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Devon Dundee


How I’m Using the Collections App: Budgeting and a Creativity Log

How I’m Using the Collections App: Budgeting and a Creativity Log

This is the second entry in a two-part series on different uses case I’ve found for the Collections database app in my daily life. If you haven’t yet read the first half of the series, check it out in MacStories Weekly Issue 423 for an introduction to Collections, its basic concepts, and a couple of other ways that I’m using it.

Personal Budget

After finishing up my MacStories article link-saver and car maintenance log, I decided to tackle an area of my life that is very important to me: budgeting. I am an unashamed personal finance nerd, and I like to keep my accounts balanced to the penny using the envelope budgeting method. I’ve tried nearly every budgeting app out there and found most of them incompatible with the way I manage my money. (Is the theme of this series that I’m too picky about apps?) I don’t want pre-defined categories or AI to help me; just let me create budget lines, fill them, and spend from them, please.


How I’m Using the Collections App: Link-Saving and Car Maintenance


Exploring topics beyond our day-to-day coverage.

How I’m Using the Collections App: Link-Saving and Car Maintenance

This is the first entry in a two-part series on different uses case I’ve found for the Collections database app in my daily life. The second half will be published in the Monthly Log next week.

Since I started proofreading and editing articles at MacStories a few months ago, I’ve been looking for a simple way to track the work that I do. I thought it would be fun and potentially useful to have a running list of the stories I get to help with. Adding an “Edited by Devon” tag to a bunch of stories on the site seemed like overdoing it, so I decided to go with a different solution: a link-saving app.


Creating a Timeline of My Life with Everlog

Creating a Timeline of My Life with Everlog

I’ve always known that journaling was good for me, but doing it consistently was something I used to really struggle with. The last time I decided to restart my journaling practice – after a number of failed attempts, mind you – I turned to Wessley Roche’s Everlog, and it stuck. I’ve written in the app daily for over two years now and amassed nearly 2,000 entries.

Why did this particular approach to journaling click for me when others in the past haven’t? I can’t say for sure. I would like to think it has something to do with self-discipline and personal growth, but it could just as easily be attributed to how much I enjoy using Everlog. Either way, I’m thankful that it worked; journaling has become a great way for me to reflect and decompress at the end of each day.