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Devon Dundee


Knowing When to Keep an Old App Around

Knowing When to Keep an Old App Around

On a recent episode of AppStories, John made an irregular app recommendation. It’s certainly not out of the ordinary for a MacStories team member to share an app that they find useful; that’s a good bit of what we do around here. But in this case, the recommendation came with a forewarning that it might be “controversial” due to the fact that the app he was sharing, MassReplaceIt, hasn’t been updated in a number of years.

This got me thinking about the tools that I use and my own reaction when I find that an app has stopped receiving updates. As someone who likes to be on the cutting-edge, I tend to shy away from software that isn’t being actively maintained and improved. But there are certain apps that I keep around even as the timestamp next to their version number in the App Store progressively increases.


How I Solved My Biggest Vision Pro Pain Points with Accessories

How I Solved My Biggest Vision Pro Pain Points with Accessories

Nearly a year after its debut, I am still just as enamored with the Vision Pro as I was when I first tried it. It’s my favorite way to watch TV shows and movies, communicate with colleagues and friends, and – yes – even do real work. I’ve incorporated it into more and more of what I do to the point that I’d consider it my primary computer. I just can’t get enough of the thing because it makes me feel like I’m living in the future every time I use it.

At the same time, spatial computing comes with its compromises, especially when it comes to the Vision Pro’s current form factor. We’ve become accustomed to thin, light computers in the forms of laptops, tablets, and phones that we can easily take anywhere. Keeping our devices charged and using them in a variety of circumstances are solved problems… until something new comes along that doesn’t fit the mold. The Vision Pro very much falls into that category.


To Track or Not to Track?

To Track or Not to Track?

I started habit tracking over a decade ago, and I’ve found it to be beneficial in a lot of ways. But as with anything, it’s possible to take the practice too far. At the end of last year, I started to feel like my approach to tracking wasn’t actually helping me. I’d gone overboard with the number of behaviors I was keeping tabs on and turned the entire thing into a chore. And so I hit the reset button and started over with a very basic setup in Awesome Habits.

Although I’m tracking fewer habits now, I’m getting more out of the process because I can prioritize what matters instead of stressing about things that don’t. A year later, I’m glad that I made the change. It’s not only made my habit tracking more impactful, but also given me an opportunity to consider my approach to tracking in general. How do I decide what I should track and what I shouldn’t?


Tips to Go Beyond Simple Countdowns with Pinning

Tips to Go Beyond Simple Countdowns with Pinning

Pinning is a countdown app from Francis Feng (whom you may recognize as the developer of Anybox) that came onto the scene early this year and instantly hooked me. Its Reminders-style design, ease of use, and availability across Apple’s platforms – including Vision Pro! – make it a compelling tool for keeping track of upcoming events as they approach. Another thing I find impressive about the app is its pace of development; it’s getting new features and refinements constantly, and Francis is always open to feedback and discussion about the app’s direction.

I’ve never considered myself a power user of countdown apps, but the more time I spend diving into Pinning and its features, the more value I find in the app and in the very concept of tracking countdowns. If you’re interested in counting down to upcoming events with Pinning, here are some tips for getting the most out of it:


Beats Solo 4: Finally, the Headphones for Me

Beats Solo 4: Finally, the Headphones for Me

I have a long, sad history of trying to find headphones that work for me. Since the introduction of the original AirPods in 2016, I’ve longed to have the same Apple ecosystem integrations in an on-ear or over-ear form factor. I thought I’d found what I was looking for in 2019’s Beats Solo Pro, but when I wore them, they gave me an awful headache. I tried again the following year with AirPods Max and experienced the same discomfort. Despite how great they sounded and how cool they were, they just didn’t work for me, so I somberly returned them and resigned myself to life as an earbuds user.

When the fourth-generation Beats Solo headphones were released earlier this year, they caught my eye, but I was hesitant to dip my toe back into the wireless headphone waters. I’d been burned before. And as Ted Lasso says, “It’s the hope that kills you.” Despite my trepidation, I made a mental note of them and, crucially, mentioned to my wife that I was considering giving headphones another go.


How I’m Using the Collections App: Budgeting and a Creativity Log

How I’m Using the Collections App: Budgeting and a Creativity Log

This is the second entry in a two-part series on different uses case I’ve found for the Collections database app in my daily life. If you haven’t yet read the first half of the series, check it out in MacStories Weekly Issue 423 for an introduction to Collections, its basic concepts, and a couple of other ways that I’m using it.

Personal Budget

After finishing up my MacStories article link-saver and car maintenance log, I decided to tackle an area of my life that is very important to me: budgeting. I am an unashamed personal finance nerd, and I like to keep my accounts balanced to the penny using the envelope budgeting method. I’ve tried nearly every budgeting app out there and found most of them incompatible with the way I manage my money. (Is the theme of this series that I’m too picky about apps?) I don’t want pre-defined categories or AI to help me; just let me create budget lines, fill them, and spend from them, please.


How I’m Using the Collections App: Link-Saving and Car Maintenance


Exploring topics beyond our day-to-day coverage.

How I’m Using the Collections App: Link-Saving and Car Maintenance

This is the first entry in a two-part series on different uses case I’ve found for the Collections database app in my daily life. The second half will be published in the Monthly Log next week.

Since I started proofreading and editing articles at MacStories a few months ago, I’ve been looking for a simple way to track the work that I do. I thought it would be fun and potentially useful to have a running list of the stories I get to help with. Adding an “Edited by Devon” tag to a bunch of stories on the site seemed like overdoing it, so I decided to go with a different solution: a link-saving app.


Creating a Timeline of My Life with Everlog

Creating a Timeline of My Life with Everlog

I’ve always known that journaling was good for me, but doing it consistently was something I used to really struggle with. The last time I decided to restart my journaling practice – after a number of failed attempts, mind you – I turned to Wessley Roche’s Everlog, and it stuck. I’ve written in the app daily for over two years now and amassed nearly 2,000 entries.

Why did this particular approach to journaling click for me when others in the past haven’t? I can’t say for sure. I would like to think it has something to do with self-discipline and personal growth, but it could just as easily be attributed to how much I enjoy using Everlog. Either way, I’m thankful that it worked; journaling has become a great way for me to reflect and decompress at the end of each day.