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The Complete MacStories Experience
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Everything from Club MacStories+
AppStories+ (longer and ad-free)
Full-text search for show notes
The ultimate Club experience
Enhanced membership with community and advanced web app
Join Annual$100/yearJoin Monthly$10/monthTop Features
Federico's Automation Academy
John's Mac Hacks column
Discord community
Full-text search for all columns
Custom RSS feeds
Exclusive app discounts
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Club MacStories?
Club MacStories is a way to unlock extra MacStories content that serves as companion material to MacStories.net.
There are three tiers: Club MacStories, Club MacStories+, and Club Premier.
You can read an in-depth FAQ about the Club and its tiers here.
What does the new Club MacStories+ tier offer?
For $10/month or $100/year, Club MacStories+ members enjoy all the perks of Club MacStories, plus additional content, new ways to search and explore a brand new web archive of all our content, community access on Discord with direct access to the MacStories team, discounts, and lots more.
Automation Academy. Join Federico’s monthly lessons on Shortcuts and all kinds of automations as he dives deeper into high-level automation concepts and teaches how to make your life easier with automated tools.
Macintosh Desktop Experience. John’s new Mac-centric column will explore the modern macOS platform and lifestyle with in-depth guides, tips, app recommendations, and more.
A powerful new web app with advanced filters, full-text search, and custom RSS feeds. With a Club MacStories+ membership, you’ll unlock the full potential of Calliope, our brand new web app to read Club MacStories content (including MacStories Weekly) on the web.
With a Club MacStories+ account, you’ll be able to browse the entire archive of Club MacStories starting from September 2015 with advanced filters for individual sections, authors, dates, and more. You’ll also be able to use full-text search and generate custom RSS feeds for any author, section, or category of content.
Calliope is a thoroughly modern web app supporting features like light and dark modes, keyboard navigation, and Dynamic Type on iOS.
Discord community. Join other Club MacStories+ members and the MacStories team in our brand new Discord community, a place to discuss the latest Apple news, MacStories articles, keep up with what the MacStories team is working on, and get to know fellow Club members.
The Discord server also includes community activities such as Town Halls with the MacStories team via voice chat, an AV club, beta testing of Federico’s shortcuts, and more. The Discord server is also where we plan to announce early access to merch sales, future meetups, and special events. For more on our Discord community, see the Discord FAQ here.
Exclusive app discounts throughout the year. We’ve partnered with the developers of some of the best apps for Apple platforms to provide Club MacStories+ members with access to an ever-changing collection of exclusive discounts throughout the year.
What does the new Club Premier tier offer?
For $12/month or $120/year, Club Premier members enjoy all the perks of Club MacStories+, as well as a subscription to AppStories+, a subscription-only version of AppStories, a podcast about apps hosted by MacStories’ Federico Viticci and John Voorhees.
AppStories+ subscribers get an ad-free, extended, high-bitrate version of the show that is published one day early most weeks. Exclusively for Club Premier, subscribers will also be able to search show notes to make it easier to revisit past episodes. You can read more about AppStories+ here.
An AppStories+ subscription costs $5/month or $50/year by itself, but Club Premier members pay just $2/month or $20/year more than a Club MacStories+ subscription.
I’m already a Club member. Do I need to create a new account for Club MacStories+ or Club Premier?
No. You can keep using your existing Club MacStories account to access any of our new tiers.
I already have a Club MacStories account. Can I upgrade to a new tier?
Yes, absolutely. Just select the tier you want to upgrade to above, and you’ll be set. Your plan will change immediately, and you will be charged a prorated amount for the upgrade.
I used to have a Club account, can I use it to sign up again?
Yes, you can sign in with your old credentials and visit our Plans page to activate at any level you’d like. You can also sign up as a ‘new’ user if you’d prefer.
Is this secure?
Yes. Subscriptions are handled with a Memberful integration, which supports HTTPS and is GDPR-compliant. Memberful uses Stripe to securely process payments.
Credit card data is sent securely to Stripe before the payment form is submitted. Memberful and we never see your credit card data – only Stripe does. Stripe is PCI- and GDPR-compliant and secure. You can read the Memberful security FAQ here.
Can I give a Club MacStories subscription as a gift?
Yes! Please read this article for details.
Do you offer free access?
We do not offer free access or free trials for any Club MacStories tier. We may occasionally produce free samples of newsletters for everyone to see or occasionally cross-publish a story to MacStories.net. You’ll also be able to read the titles and excerpts of newsletter content on our new web app even if you don’t subscribe.
Do you have a Privacy Policy and Terms of Service I can read?
Yes. We are fully GDPR-compliant, and you can read our Privacy Policy and Terms of Service.
Will you spam me?
Absolutely not. We promise we won’t resell or share your email address with any third party. Your email address will only be used to deliver MacStories Weekly, the Monthly Log, and other Club MacStories-related communications.