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Knowing When to Keep an Old App Around

Knowing When to Keep an Old App Around

On a recent episode of AppStories, John made an irregular app recommendation. It’s certainly not out of the ordinary for a MacStories team member to share an app that they find useful; that’s a good bit of what we do around here. But in this case, the recommendation came with a forewarning that it might be “controversial” due to the fact that the app he was sharing, MassReplaceIt, hasn’t been updated in a number of years.

This got me thinking about the tools that I use and my own reaction when I find that an app has stopped receiving updates. As someone who likes to be on the cutting-edge, I tend to shy away from software that isn’t being actively maintained and improved. But there are certain apps that I keep around even as the timestamp next to their version number in the App Store progressively increases.

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