Was It Worth It?
Was It Worth It?

Whenever Apple releases new, expensive hardware, there’s inevitably a debate online about whether the new gear is ‘worth it.’ That makes a lot of sense. After all, it’s the question anyone considering buying something should ask themselves. The trouble is, the debate usually assumes not only that there’s a clear-cut answer but that the answer is universal, applying to everyone equally, which is where things go off the rails.
What got me thinking about this was the Studio Display and an excellent debate about hardware reviews in the Club MacStories+ Discord. I ordered one but didn’t pull the trigger right away, so I probably won’t have it for a few more weeks. I won’t know whether my purchase is really worth it until I’ve had a while, but I thought it would be worth explaining why I was willing to commit to such an expensive purchase when there are cheaper alternatives and considering what role the perception of value has in reviews.