Two Different Ways of Passing Input to Shortcuts Running on macOS Monterey
Two Different Ways of Passing Input to Shortcuts Running on macOS Monterey
For the past week, I’ve been trying to optimize my workflow for quickly capturing notes and ideas in my Dashboard note. As I previously described in my Obsidian setup series on MacStories Weekly, one of the ways I like to reopen my Dashboard note is via a QuickAdd macro, which brings up a list of commands in Obsidian that lets me choose whether I want to reopen the note or add some text to one of its sections. Here’s what the macro looks like:

The first three buttons in the list bring up a text prompt powered by QuickAdd that allows me to type some text inside Obsidian. This is a single-line text field that acts as an intermediate step between launching Obsidian and reopening the Dashboard note. Here it is in action: