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Setting Up My New MacBook Pro from Scratch with the Help of Supercharge


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Setting Up My New MacBook Pro from Scratch with the Help of Supercharge

This week, I took delivery of a new MacBook Pro, snatching it from the delivery man perhaps a bit more eagerly than was necessary. It’s been a few years since I’ve spent my own money on a Mac, typically doubling up my work-supplied computer for any personal use. That was very fortunate, as I always got decently specced machines, but since I’m going freelance again, it was time to invest in a Mac that would pack a wallop and last me a few years. After much consideration, I purchased an M4 Max MacBook Pro with the maximum number of cores, 64GB of built-in memory, and a 1TB drive.

I must have been feeling a bit protective of my new companion, because the idea of just transferring all the data from my previous M1 Pro MacBook Pro straight over to my new Mac via Migration Assistant seemed wrong. That Mac had become quite messy. My file-organizing system has always been excellent, if I do say so myself, but there were a number of apps and utilities, as well as their accompanying settings, that were littering my hard drive. A culling of unused apps and settings was past due.

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