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You don’t have to be a social media manager for a living to want your photos and videos to look nice online. The trouble is, it’s hard to find good apps in this category because there are so many, and most of them aren’t very good. So, when I stumble upon one that looks interesting, I immediately download it and take it for a test drive, which is what I did with Series, a photo and video collage creation app for the iPhone and iPad.

I’m not a heavy Instagram poster, but Threads has renewed my interest in it, and I’ve been making an effort to use both services more with our MacStories account. The two services handle photos and videos in similar ways, which isn’t surprising since the Instagram team developed Threads, but it’s also convenient for users who can count on consistency between the two apps. One of the things that caught my eye early on with Threads was how people were slicing panoramic photos into square shots that reveal the full panorama as you swipe through the images. That’s an old Instagram trick that I wrote about a few years ago in Weekly, and it looks great.

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