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Brute-Force Myself Into Focusing with ScreenTime+


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Brute-Force Myself Into Focusing with ScreenTime+

While working on my column for last week, I discovered how bad my muscle memory was for picking up my iPhone during work. I’m certainly a creature of habit, so I knew that curbing this behavior would be far more complicated than just deciding to use my phone less. I needed something more tangible – more forceful, even.

The problem is not so much picking up my phone, but what I do when it’s in my hands. A message from a friend can lead me to check social media or visit websites like The Verge and The Onion. Sometimes, I pick up my phone because I remember some actor I want to look up or an app I’ve been meaning to download. It all came to a head this week when I faced three simultaneous design projects that might need to be juggled during any single day. To truly focus, I would need a literal “blocker”.

This story is for Club MacStories, Club MacStories+, and Club Premier members only.

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