Adding the Average Indoor Temperature to My Mac's Menu Bar
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Adding the Average Indoor Temperature to My Mac's Menu Bar

A few days ago, I was listening to Mac Power Users. Stephen and David were walking through their Mac Docks, menu bars, and startup folders, covering a wide variety of excellent apps. That got me thinking about my menu bar, which I hadn’t changed in a while. Looking at the apps lined up in the menu bar, and especially those hidden behind Bartender’s More icon, I decided it was time to clean house, so I spent some time eliminating apps and reorganizing them.
One of my favorite menu bar items is Forecast Bar’s simple weather menu bar app, which shows me the current temperature and cloud cover outside. That led me to wish for something similar for the temperature in my office. I’ve got an Eve Weather device on a shelf nearby, but its e-ink display can be hard to read in some lighting, and a quick glance at the menu bar for both indoor and outdoor temperatures seemed like a better solution, so I built a simple shortcut to take care of it.