Working Around Shortcuts RegEx Bugs in Apple's Latest Betas
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Working Around Shortcuts RegEx Bugs in Apple's Latest Betas
Yesterday, I tweeted about an issue I’ve noticed with Shortcuts’ ‘Match Text’ action in the latest iOS and iPadOS 15.5 betas: all my shortcuts that try to match text with regular expressions are now failing since the app keeps asking me to confirm which text I’d like to match, without ever exiting this loop. I’m sure that this is the kind of bug that’s to be expected with a beta release, but I also needed to figure out a workaround in the meantime since many of my shortcuts rely on extracting bits of text from longer strings of text using regular expressions.
If you’re also struggling with this and can’t wait a couple of weeks (at best) for a fix like yours truly, I’m happy to say I’ve found a workaround. Instead of using the ‘Match Text’ and ‘Get Group from Matched Text’ actions, use the ‘Replace Text’ action.