My Obsidian Setup, Part 1: Sync, Core Plugins, Workspaces, and Other Settings
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My Obsidian Setup, Part 1: Sync, Core Plugins, Workspaces, and Other Settings

Earlier this week, after a long beta period I’ve participated in for the past few months, the official Obsidian app for iPhone and iPad launched on the App Store. I’ve covered Obsidian and my approach to writing my annual iOS review in it on both AppStories and Connected; because I’m busy with that massive project and an upcoming major relaunch of the Club (hint hint), I don’t have time right now to work on a proper standalone, in-depth review of Obsidian for MacStories. So, given my time constraints, I thought it’d be fun to do a multi-part series for Club members on how I’ve set up and have been using Obsidian as my Markdown text editor and note-taking app of choice.
Obsidian has a steep learning curve on all platforms: there are a lot of settings to choose from, and there’s an incredible third-party developer community responsible for hundreds of plugins that can fundamentally alter the functionality of the app. The recently-launched iOS and iPadOS also matches all the core functionalities of the desktop app, including the ability to install custom plugins, themes, and CSS snippets to customize the app’s behavior and look. As a result, it can be quite challenging to get started with Obsidian and know what to tweak in the app’s preferences.